BBS Architects Engineers

Iowa State University

Coover Hall Infrastructure Study
Coover Hall Infrastructure Study

Owner: Iowa State University

Project Data: Coover Hall 29,730 GSF

Study Completion Date: 2016

Client Need: The original building of Coover Hall was finished in 1950 and has been transitioned from a classroom and laboratory building to a primarily office building following a 2007 addition to the building. Much of the building’s infrastructure are either functionally inadequate or approaching the end of their useful life. The College of Engineering (COE) and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (ECpE) requested that BBS Architects | Engineers complete a study on the building’s deficiencies focusing on exterior windows, mechanical and electrical infrastructure systems and building common spaces including corridors, student lounge spaces, and restrooms.

BBS Approach: Through observation and BIM modeling in Revit BBS assessed the general conditions and potential improvements in Coover Hall. While the main focus of this study was on upgrading the current Coover Hall, BBS was able to explore how some major modifications to the building could add useable square feet without increasing the existing building perimeter.

The main goals of the study were as follows:

  • Evaluate exterior masonry and windows and identify how replacements or upgrades may benefit the quality of interior spaces and energy savings.

  • Identify programmatic needs of Coover Hall and uses of current common spaces by students and faculty. Provide recommendations for updating finishes, restrooms, and circulation throughout the building.

  • Identify and evaluate the current mechanical equipment (air handlers, heat exchangers, water heaters, and fans and pumps) as well as the terminal equipment (finned tube and window air conditioners). Propose renovations and upgrades to HVAC systems to make heating and cooling more efficient.

  • Evaluate the electrical systems, telecommunication systems, and lighting systems. Propose updates to meet energy codes and building codes.

Study Results: Based on the investigation BBS determined that the College of Engineering and the Computer Engineering Department would benefit from both exterior and interior renovations. New exterior windows, a new HVAC system along with a chilled beam system and an air- handling unit, and LED lighting and controls would drastically increase the building’s energy efficiency and comfort. Common spaces need updating to meet restroom fixture requirements as well as ADA accessibility requirements. Updating the circulation and finishes in these common spaces will create a more welcoming space upon entering the building and assist in wayfinding ques. Future space needs for the College and Engineering and the Computer Engineering Department would potentially require further renovations of the courtyard and office layouts offering more space within the current perimeter of the building.

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