BBS Architects Engineers

Iowa State University

LeBaron Hall Replacement Study
LeBaron Hall Replacement Study

Owner: Iowa State University

Project Data:

Human Nutritional Sciences Building: 34,400 SF

LeBaron Hall: 61,500 SF

MacKay Hall: 86,400 SF

Study Completion Date: 2017

Client Need: The Iowa State University College of Human Sciences (CHS) has identified an imperative need for updates and additions to the existing CHS Campus. Increasing annual enrollment, the constant evolution of degree programs, and student and faculty needs exceed the capabilities and capacity of existing CHS facilities.

BBS Approach: BBS worked with Iowa State University Facilities Planning and Management on an investigation of the current CHS facilities, as well as documentation and analysis of immediate and future space needs of the college. The CHS Campus consists of the Human Nutritional Sciences Building (HNSB), LeBaron Hall, LeBaron Auditorium, and MacKay Hall.

The main goals of the study are as follow:

  •          Evaluate programmatic needs of the college and identify how renovating or replacing LeBaron Hall, in conjunction with renovating portions of HNSB and MacKay Hall, would support the College of Human Science’s long-term programmatic space needs.

  •          Identify programmatic synergies for clustering activities within the facilities to optimize collaboration, teaching, research, extension and outreach, and the student experience.

  •          Investigate ways to site a replacement building for LeBaron Hall to make good use of natural light and achieve maximum use of site, while respecting the open spaces and adjacent buildings of central campus.

  •          Provide anticipated project costs and strategies for project implementation.

Study Results: Based on the investigation, BBS determined that the college would benefit significantly from pursuing a total replacement of LeBaron Hall with Circulation Core Rebuild in conjunction with targeted renovations of high and moderate priority renovation spaces in HNSB and MacKay Hall. This conclusion is based upon the landlocked nature of college buildings with limited space for expansion on campus adjacent to other college activities, the structural limitations of the existing LeBaron Hall, as well as the severe shortage of growth space and overall quality of space in LeBaron Hall. BBS was able to provide conceptual diagrams and images illustrating the benefits of a replacement of LeBaron Hall.

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