BBS Architects Engineers

Matthew Gaul, AIA Director

April 5, 2022

BBS would like to recognize Matthew Gaul’s outstanding volunteer efforts with AIA Iowa. Matthew is a Director for the AIA Iowa chapter as well as an active member in the Equity Diversity Inclusion (EDI) committee, and AIA Iowa’s Government Affairs Committee. Matthew has a passion for people and creating a better community for everyone no matter the location. Matthew started his career in San Francisco, California where he volunteered on various committees and was a member of the board of AIA SF. After moving to Iowa Matthew quickly started his volunteer efforts with the AIA Iowa chapter.

AIA Iowa Chapter recently celebrated Matthew, stating “In every role, Matthew is keen to listen to every stakeholder, work with every constraint, opportunity and participant, and deliver. He practices mentorship, leadership, strategic planning, and elected representation to further the groups, causes, and projects he is a part of.”

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